Figure 1. Differential Wnt signaling patterns the Xenopus endoderm.
Wnt signaling has different thresholds in the endoderm. Embryos were injected with a dose range of mRNA encoding Sfrp5; 500 pg (B,G), 800 pg (C,H), 2 ng (D,I) and 3 ng (E,J). In situ hybridization for hhex (A–E) and vent1 and vent2, referred to as vent1/2 (F–J) in stage 19 bisected embryos showed that low doses of Sfrp5 expanded the hhex expression domain (yellow dashed line) (B–D) at the expense of hindgut markers vent1 and vent2 (a mixture of both probes referred to as vent1/2) (G–I). The highest dose of Sfrp5 resulted in a loss of hhex (E). The number of embryos with the illustrated phenotype is indicated in each panel.