Figure 2. Fzd7-depletion disrupts foregut organogenesis.
(A) Targeted injection of fzd7-MOs (50 ng) and red fluorescent tracer (RLDx) into the D1 cells of 32-cell stage Xenopus embryos. Bight field (BF) and fluorescent view of representative bisected stage 20 embryo showing that the injection targeted the foregut (fg) and avoided the axial mesoderm. (B–D) Confocal immunostaining confirmed that the fzd7-MOs resulted in a loss of Fzd7 protein from the foregut cell membrane (B,C), which was rescued by injection of Fzd7 mRNA lacking MO-target sequence (D). (E–M) In situ hybridization showed that fzd7-MO embryos failed to maintain hhex at stage 20 and did not express the liver (nr1h5) and pancreas/duodenum (pdx1) markers at stage 35, which could be partially rescued by injection of Fzd7 mRNA. (N, O) Ventral view of stage 45 embryos showing foregut edema and defective intestinal coiling with shortened gut in fzd7-MO injected embryos. (P,Q) H&E-stained section of a control (P) and a fzd7-MO-injected embryo (Q) that lacks foregut organs including liver (lv) and stomach (st). (R, S) In situ hybridization of a2m in isolated stage 42 gut tubes showed loss of foregut organs such as liver (lv), stomach (st) and pancreas (p) and shortened intestine (In). The number of embryos with the illustrated phenotype is indicated in each panel.