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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2014 Dec 11.
Published in final edited form as: World J Surg. 2013 Jul;37(7):1462–1469. doi: 10.1007/s00268-012-1831-6

Table 2.

Ten committees appointed to define priorities to carry the GIEESC agenda forward

Committee Objectives Action items
Organizational planning Define GIEESC organizational structure, governance, monitoring Develop terms of reference
Present and review draft terms of reference to established committees within 6 months
Each chairperson reports to the organizational planning committee
Report to WHO EESC annually
Coordinate GIEESC committees’ activities and report to the biennial WHO GIEESC meeting (2013)
Finance and resource mobilization Ensure ongoing financial viability of GIEESC Fund-raising to meet the $300,000 USD annual goal necessary to support the WHO GIEESC Secretariat
Identify and develop other sources of revenue to support GIEESC activities globally
Organize physician dues and contributions, with the committee to set voluntary contribution levels; develop a mechanism for collecting contributions
Engage academic institutions to leverage GIEESC serving as a clearing house for research and volunteer activities such as Health Volunteers Overseas
Leverage with other campaigns and identification of synergies (e.g., Decade of Road Safety)
Engage foundations and institutions with a consistent outreach and marketing effort with a potential consortium of manufacturers
Work with other committees for strategic planning and required budgets for program building
Education and training Promote educational and training activities of GIEESC Update WHO IMEESC toolkit and WHO manual SCDH in compliance with WHO guideline review
Adaptation of WHO tools to meet local needs (e.g., translations, develop primary surgical care packages)
Standard training curriculum and training course based on the WHO IMEESC toolkit to be developed and adapted to meet LMICs’ needs
Burden of surgical diseases Generate evidence from GIEESC community to quantify the burden of surgical diseases Facilitate existing burden of surgical disease assessment with EESC global database and research activities of GIEESC members (efficacy/effectiveness, potential complications of treatment, cost-effective analyses)
Develop synergy with disease control priorities for developing countries network
Surgical mission and partnerships Coordinate global surgical activities and partnerships of WHO GIEESC members Update online directory/database in WHO GIEESC MedNet
Support requests from WHO country offices, MoH, and health facilities in LMICs
Develop database of WHO GIEESC members’ activities to identify synergies and maximize utilization of organizational resources (catalog GIEESC member activities, track needs of LMICs, prepare calendar of active and future projects)
EESC as part of health systems strengthening Promote integration of EESC services into primary health care and health systems Develop set of indicators for surgical care within the WHO health systems framework
Increase collaborative activities with relevant WHO departments
Survey LMICs’ health plans on the integration of surgical care into primary health systems
Anesthesia and health systems strengthening Promote and generate evidence for anesthesia services as part of the primary health care package Advocate for anesthesia as an essential component of EESC
Promote locally driven assistance in anesthesia education
Develop minimum WHO anesthesia guidelines
Incorporate minimum requirements for physical resources utlizing IMEESC toolkit
Update anesthetics in the WHO essential medicines list
Incorporate WHO standards including into education and training activities
Pilot local anesthesia education initiatives in five LMICs
Support appropriate training for providers
Research and publications Identify research priorities Promote generation of scientific evidence and publications Establish a coordinating body
Develop guidelines for accessing WHO EESC global database
Develop a section of the website to list current and future research projects
Prioritize areas of research
Update situational analysis tool
Technology and technology transfer Support technology and technology transfer needs in LMICs Monitor technology development through MedNet
Develop a strategy for continued assessment and enhancement of GIEESC web presence
Support technology transfer activities to enhance global surgical education, training, and research
Advocate for educational outreach regarding existence of new technologies
Create database/searchable website on technology linked with MedNet and the main GIEESC website
Advocate for low-cost pricing for technologies
Appropriate training of any introduced new technologies
Summarize studies and trials on the ground on transfer of new technologies
Support technology transfer for training/education initiatives
Develop an online clearing house of available online curricula (content), courses for anesthesia and surgical care (district level)
Develop curriculum/course provided free or at low cost for LMICs (e.g., of existing WHO IMEESC toolkit)
Promote translation of tools into local languages
Develop partnerships with training institutions and hospitals for transfer of technologies (e.g., telemedicine)
Advocacy Advocate for the importance of delivery of emergency and essential surgical care (EESC) locally, nationally, and internationally Define objectives (EESC, disaster management)
Raise public awareness of preventative and curative aspects of surgical care
Identify partners to promote EESC (institutions, health authorities, parliaments, societies, NGOs, foundations, and civil society) at the international, national, and local levels
Identify specific advocacy tools
Act as a liaison between working groups and the public

LMICs low and middle income countries, NGOs nongovernmental organizations