Figure 5.
Localization of Lifeact-mTurquoise2 in microvilli and cell boundaries. A-B) Preserved embryos at early cleavage stages visualized using scanning electron microscopy, show microvilli on the cell surface. C) Similar stage preserved embryos stained using phallacidin to highlight filamentous-actin containing microvilli at the cells surface. D-E) During gastrulation, phallacidin can be used to visualize cellular boundaries along the outer surface of the gastrula. E) Zoomed in region of the ectoderm showing cellular boundaries. F-I) Cleavage stage embryos injected with the mRNA of Lifeact-mTurquoise2. F-G) Embryo approximately at the 32-cell stage, exhibits an increase in surface area contact between neighboring after cell cleavage. H-I) Embryo approximately at the 64-cell stage exhibits an increase in surface area contact between neighboring cells after cell cleavage. J-L) Gastrula stage embryos labeled through injection of Lifeact-mTurquoise2 RNA. J) Early gastrula where the endodermal plate is clearly visible by Lifeact-mTurquoise2 protein (red asterisk). K) Late gastrula where the endodermal plate has invaginated inward out of view (red asterisk – site of gastrulation). L) Magnification of cell boundaries clearly labeled with Lifeact-mTurquoise2 from late gastrulation stage embryo shown in K. M) Time series of an early embryo with a loose aggregate of cells with a flattened configuration that develops into a compact ball-shaped embryo, thereby increasing cell-cell contact (0.0-12.0 min, Additional file 7: Video S6)