Regression Results for Evaluation of the Sure Start Program’s Impact in Areas of High-Intensity Interventions: Uttar Pradesh, India, 2007–2010
Variables | ITT-L2 Over L1 OR (95% CI)a | Count Vvariables Estimates IRR (95% CI)b | DD Coefficientsc | MG attendance Non-IV, Endline OR (95% CI)d | IV Estimate-DD-LATEe | IV Estimate -MG Effect -LATEf |
Health | ||||||
Neonatal mortality rate | 0.979 (0.805, 1.189) | 0.001 | 0.813 (0.634 1.041) | –0.414 | –0.004 | |
Experiencing complications during labor and delivery | 0.917 (0.832, 1.010) | 0.135 | –0.153* | |||
Experiencing complications during postpartum | 0.839*** (0.772, 0.911) | 0.085 | –0.408** | |||
Experiencing complications during pregnancy | 0.853*** (0.801, 0.909) | –0.345 | –0.807*** | |||
Accessing Care | ||||||
Antenatal care received | 1.458** (1.149, 1.848) | 0.061*** | 3.829*** (3.307, 4.432) | 0.091 | 0.161*** | |
2 tetanus injections | 1.286** (1.070, 1.560) | 0.033*** | 2.817*** (2.412, 3.228) | 0.100*** | 0.093*** | |
Iron-folic tablet | 1.478*** (1.215, 1.797) | 0.075*** | 3.380*** (2.980, 3.832) | 0.171*** | 0.212*** | |
Supplementary nutrition | 1.126 (0.903, 1.404) | 0.023 | 2.496*** (2.281, 2.730) | 0.022 | 0.132*** | |
JSY received | 1.168 (0.952, 1.434) | 0.031 | 1.891*** (1.729, 2.067) | 0.047 | 0.136* | |
JSY received > 1400 rupees | 1.169 (0.955, 1.429) | 0.030 | 1.911*** (1.747, 2.089) | 0.062 | 0.148* | |
Home delivery | 0.843 (0.956, 1.429) | –0.026 | 0.560*** (0.510, 0.615) | –0.036 | –0.142* | |
Skill attendance | 1.324* (1.044, 1.677) | 0.023 | 1.560*** (1.299, 1.873) | 0.114** | 0.143*** | |
Visit to health clinic month | 1.017 (0.830, 1.244) | 0.016 | 1.308*** (1.135, 1.507) | 0.006 | 0.0206 | |
Institutional delivery | 1.184 (0.957, 1.463) | 0.027 | 1.763*** (1.606, 1.985) | 0.037 | 0.143* | |
Institutional delivery (nonemergency only) | 1.253* (1.012, 1.550) | 0.032 | 1.867*** (1.704, 2.044) | 0.056 | 0.191** | |
Behavior | ||||||
Washed hands | 1.147 (0.915, 1.437) | 0.024 | 1.552*** (1.304, 1.847) | 0.126* | 0.103* | |
New blade | 1.186 (0.824, 1.708) | 0.007 | 1.508 (0.921, 2.467) | 0.029 | 0.029 | |
Nothing on cord | 1.509*** (1.279, 1.778) | 0.081** | 2.197*** (1.901, 2.538) | 0.307*** | 0.415*** | |
All 3 above | 1.507*** (1.248, 1.818) | 0.078** | 2.299*** (1.993, 2.650) | 0.285*** | 0.390*** | |
Delayed bath | 1.956*** (1.683, 2.270) | 0.120*** | 2.814*** (2.523, 3.136) | 0.234*** | 0.387*** | |
First colostrum | 1.803*** (1.435, 2.265) | 0.114*** | 3.428*** (3.040, 3.855) | 0.314*** | 0.323*** | |
Breast milk within an hr | 1.896*** (1.602, 2.242) | 0.125*** | 2.945*** (2.686, 3.229) | 0.363*** | 0.471*** | |
Breast milk first wk | 2.326*** (1.967, 2.751) | 0.194*** | 3.371*** (3.06, 3.707) | 0.460*** | 0.560*** | |
Exclusive breast milk 6 mo | 2.024*** (1.714, 2.389) | 0.086*** | 3.063*** (2.743, 3.420) | 0.281*** | 0.333*** |
Note. CI = confidence interval; DD = difference in difference; ITT = intent to treat; JSY = Janani Suraksha Yojana, a conditional cash transfer scheme; L1 = level 1; L2 = level 2; LATE = local average treatment effect; MG = mother’s group; OR = odds ratio.
ITT results expressed as an odds ratio through use of logistic regression and random effect model, ; where y stands for outcome variable for person i in region j at time 1; and D is treatment areas valued at 1 for L2, 0 for L1. The subscript 1 indicates follow up data.
Incidence rate ratio estimations for count variable through use of negative binomial using the above equation; not presented for non-IV estimations mother’s group attendance at the individual level.
Linear probability estimations for DD estimations: ; T stands for time, either 0 or 1 with subscript t standing for time either 0 or 1.
Mother’s groups estimations without correction for selection, presented for heuristic reasons only: . Only odd ratios are presented; count data analyses were not carried out for pregnancy morbidity.
IV Linear estimation results with robust error adjustment by instrumenting percentage of women attending MG in a panchayat; these indicate village level estimations. The unit of analysis is the village/panchayat level. Denote the instrumented variable as MGIVavg; this column estimates: . Avg denotes averages over the village. We suspect serial correlation in this model.
Estimations of the following: .
*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.