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. 2014 Oct 15;92(4):667–720. doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12080

Table A1.

Summary of Medical Cost Estimates and Additional Selected Parameter Values

Parameter National-Level Value
State-Level Source
Females Males
Direct medical costs (in 2010 $US), discounted to year of service
Pregnancy and birth
Average public cost per birth for:
 prenatal care, delivery, infant care to month 12 12,770 24
 care of the child, months 13-60 7,950 76
Average public cost per miscarriage 1,252 a11, 24
Average public cost per abortion 376 a23
Sexually transmitted infections
Average cost per case:
 PID 3,202 46
 epididymitis 313 46
 chlamydia 364 30 46
 gonorrhea 354 79 46
 HIV 330,000 330,000 18
Average cost per case averted from testing:
 cervical cancer 19,692 a46, 58
Average cost per case averted by vaccines:
 cervical dysplasia 690 a73
 precancer 1,863 a73
 cervical cancer 16,732 a46, 58
 vulvar cancer 6,404 a46, 58
 vaginal cancer 7,366 a46, 58
 anal/rectal cancer 11,263 a46, 58
 oropharyngeal cancer 12,889 a46, 58
Medical costs paid for with public funds
Proportion of costs that are public:
 births and miscarriages 0.94 a24
 abortions 0.15 a23, 78
 chlamydia and gonorrhea 0.33 0.33 61
 HIV 0.75 0.75 21
 precancer 0.28 61
 cervical cancer 0.29 61
 vulvar cancer 0.61 61
 vaginal cancer 0.60 61
 anal/rectal cancer 0.46 61
 oropharyngeal cancer 0.49 61
Other parameters
Unintended pregnancy and contraceptive use
Proportion of unplanned births to women <250% federal poverty level conceived <18 months postpartum 0.26 33
Proportion of births that are LBW or preterm 0.15 34
Chlamydia, gonorrhea and their sequelae
Proportion of clients tested for:
 chlamydia 0.50 0.58 25
 gonorrhea 0.49 0.58 25
Proportion of tested clients who are positive:
 chlamydia 0.06 0.05 a40
 gonorrhea 0.01 0.01 a41
Proportion of positive clients who are treated: chlamydia and gonorrhea 0.97 0.97 42
Proportion of treated clients who were symptomatic: chlamydia and gonorrhea 0.31 0.31 82
Adjustment to account for women who would be tested without public funding 0.73 33
Absolute reduction in probability of sequelae due to treatment:
 chlamydia and gonorrhea, symptomatic cases 0.15 0.02 46
 chlamydia and gonorrhea, asymptomatic cases 0.08 0.02 46
Adjustment to chlamydia costs averted to account for gonorrhea coinfection 0.93 0.93 44
Adjustment to gonorrhea costs averted to account for chlamydia coinfection 0.79 0.90 44
Adjustment to account for reinfection: chlamydia and gonorrhea 0.70 0.70 44
Number of cases of STI averted in population per STI case treated 0.50 0.50 44
Probability of a new case of HIV attributable to chlamydia 0.0011 0.0011 44
Probability of a new case of HIV attributable to gonorrhea 0.0007 0.0007 44
Adjustment for time frame for STI-attributable HIV infections 0.25 0.25 44
Adjustment for partner overlap (heterosexuals) 0.75 0.75 44
Proportion of women with PID who:
 experience pelvic pain 0.19 48
 experience ectopic pregnancy 0.09 48
 become infertile 0.17 48
Ratio of HIV tests performed per family planning clients served 0.22 0.51 a25, 50, 51
Proportion of tested clients who are positive:
 HIV (overall) 0.0014 0.0014 a25, 50, 51
 HIV (sex-specific) 0.0010 0.0035 a52, 53
Adjustment to account for women who would be tested without public funding 0.73 33
Adjustment to account for HIV infections previously known 0.63 0.63 20
HIV transmissions averted per 100 persons newly aware of their infection 7.80 7.80 19
Years of transmissions averted from testing 3.00 3.00 22
Pap and HPV testing
Proportion of female clients tested 0.36 a25, 33
Adjustment to account for women who would be tested without public funding 0.73 33
Number of cervical cancer cases averted per 100,000 women tested:
 Pap-only testing regimen 148 a56
 Pap plus HPV testing regimen 165 a56
Number of cervical cancer deaths averted per 100,000 women tested:
 Pap-only testing regimen 87 a56
 Pap plus HPV testing regimen 94 a56
Proportion of women tested using Pap-only testing regimen 0.59 a57
HPV vaccines
Ratio of HPV injections provided to female clients served 0.014 a3, 26
Adjustment to account for women who would be tested without public funding 0.73 33
Proportion of female clients vaccinated receiving:
 3 doses 0.46 64
 2 doses 0.22 64
 1 dose 0.32 64
Effectiveness of regimen:
 3-dose regimen 0.99 66
 2-dose regimen 0.89 a66-68
 1-dose regimen 0.80 a66-68
Adjustment factor to account for exposure to HPV prior to vaccination 0.38 a71
Cases averted per 100,000 women vaccinated:
 abnormal cervical cell cases 50,000 72
 precancer cases 10,000 72
 cervical cancer cases 500 72
 cervical cancer deaths 200 72
Ratio of other HPV-attributable cancers averted per cervical cancer case averted:
 vulvar cancers 0.14 46
 vaginal cancers 0.04 46
 anal/rectal cancers 0.24 46
 oropharyngeal cancers 0.13 46

National- and/or state-level values are calculated from figures in the reference(s) listed.