Diagnosis of alcohol dependence according to DSM-IV;
Age range 18–60 years (inclusive);
Alcohol intake of at least 2 HDDa per week on average and an average overall consumption of 21 drinks per week or more for men and 14 drinks per week or more for women in the 4 weeks before enrolment;
Ability to understand and sign written informed consent;
Ability to refrain from drinking for at least 3 days prior to randomization day;
Desire to achieve abstinence or to greatly reduce alcohol consumption;
Evidence of a stable residence;
Presence of a referred family able to assist with drug administration and monitoring.
Clinically significant medical disease that might interfere with the evaluation of the study medication or that might represent a safety concern;
Clinical significant psychiatric illness including any psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, severe depression, suicidal ideation, substance use disorders other than alcohol and nicotine dependence or cannabis abuseb;
Abstinence from alcohol for >10 days prior to randomization day;
Concurrent use of psychotropic medication including anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, anxiolytics or hypnotics;
Concurrent use of anticonvulsants, insulin, oral hypoglycemics or any medication that may interact with baclofen;
AST and/or ALT levels >3 times of UNL, or bilirubin and/or creatinine greater than UNL;
Urine drug screen positive for substance of abuse other than cannabis;
Pregnant women and women of childbearing potential who did not practice a medically acceptable form of birth control;
Breastfeeding women;
Individuals requiring inpatient treatment or more intense outpatient treatment for AD;
Participation in any clinical trial within the last 60 days;
Court-mandated participation in alcohol treatment or pending incarceration.