Figure 5.
The clinical relevance of RUNX3 was determined in a patient survival analysis using an online database containing the expression of 22,277 genes and 20-year survival information of 3,455 BC patients.
Notes: RUNX3 mRNA high expression was found to be correlated to better OS for all BC patients followed for 20 years (HR 0.79, P=8.8×10−5) (A). RUNX3 mRNA high expression was not found to be correlated to better OS in ER-positive patients (HR 0.87, P=0.13) (B), but only in ER-negative patients (HR 0.72, P=0.01) (C).
Abbreviations: BC, breast cancer; ER, estrogen receptor; HR, hazard ratio; mRNA, messenger RNA; OS, overall survival.