Figure 1. Difference between the fitted and observed normalized log tag count in PL565 for reads aligned to the 36 regions of chr12 using the GCREM algorithm with 3 reference libraries.
Each region is 200kb long. The regions between the two vertical dashed lines indicate the position where the microdeletion occurs. The two horizontal dashed lines represent the standard deviation of the difference. For each region with complete or partial deletion (chr12:24380000~28760000), the GCREM test is using the 16 regions covering chr12:22620000~24360000 and chr12:28780000~30520000 as the control regions. For each of the 16 regions with no deletion, the test is using the other 15 regions with no deletion as control regions. The three plots, from top to bottom, are based on the full, one-half, and one-quarter of the PL565 sequence reads respectively.