Table 2.
Variable: Study | Scale Range | α | Overall, M (SD) | Women, M (SD) | Men, M (SD) |
Predictors | |||||
Polyculturalism | |||||
Study 1 | 1–7 | .83 | 5.43 (0.76) | 5.46 (0.80)a | 5.40 (0.70)a |
Study 2 | 1–7 | .91 | 5.63 (0.90) | 5.65 (0.88)a | 5.62 (0.93)a |
Study 3 | 1–7 | .92 | 5.76 (l.25) | 5.87 (l.0l)a | 5.63 (l.47)a |
Study 4 | 1–6 | .90 | 4.96 (0.68) | 5.0l (0.68)a | 4.90 (0.67)a |
Right-wing authoritarianism: Study 1 | 1–7 | .77 | 3.19 (0.93) | 3.32 (0.98)a | 2.99 (0.83)b |
Race essentialism: Study 1 | 1–6 | .73 | 3.09 (0.90) | 3.07 (0.9l)a | 3.l4 (0.90)a |
Gender essentialism: Study 1 | 1–6 | .80 | 3.18 (l.02) | 3.l4 (0.97)a | 3.25 (l.09)a |
Ethnic identity | |||||
Study 1 (6-item attachment and behavioral involvement) | 1–5 | .92 | 3.36 (0.95) | 3.44 (0.97)a | 3.23 (0.89)a |
Study 3 (12-item attachment and behavioral involvement) | 1–4 | .92 | 2.60 (0.82) | 2.62 (0.76)a | 2.58 (0.88)a |
Study 4 (2-item importance and attachment) | 1–6 | .87 | 4.14 (l.34) | 4.27 (l.26)a | 3.98 (l.43)b |
Gender identity | |||||
Study 1 (8-item importance and attachment) | 1–7 | .82 | 3.95 (1.05) | 3.96 (l.04)a | 3.93 (l.08)a |
Study 4 (2-item importance and attachment) | 1–6 | .78 | 4.42 (l.l9) | 4.54 (l.05)a | 4.27 (l.32)b |
Multiculturalism (neutral; group differences; Rosenthal & Levy, 2012) | |||||
Study 2 | 1–7 | .85 | 5.48 (0.90) | 5.43 (0.86)a | 5.44 (0.96)a |
Study 3 | 1–7 | .82 | 5.88 (0.99) | 5.86 (0.98)a | 5.90 (l.0l)a |
Colorblindness (neutral; unique individuals and commonalities; Rosenthal & Levy) | |||||
Study 2 | 1–7 | .87 | 3.54 (l.40) | 3.57 (l.4l)a | 3.49 (l.37)a |
Study 3 | 1–7 | .91 | 3.44 (l.83) | 3.42 (l.82)a | 3.47 (l.97)a |
Multiculturalism (positive; group differences and contributions; Ryan et al., 2007) | |||||
Study 3 | 1–7 | .88 | 5.45 (l.54) | 5.64 (l.39)a | 5.25 (l.67)a |
Colorblindness (positive; unique individuals and commonalities; Ryan et al., 2007) | |||||
Study 3 | 1–7 | .75 | 4.83 (1.61) | 4.69 (l.75)a | 4.98 (l.42)a |
Social dominance | |||||
Orientation: Study 3 | −3 to +3 | .96 | −1.60 (l.38) | − l.74(l.34)a | − l.43(l.42)a |
Conservatism: Study 3 | 1–7 | .93 | 3.55 (l.73) | 3.32 (l.67)a | 3.8l (l.76)a |
Egalitarianism: Study 4 | 1–6 | .88 | 4.89 (0.9l) | 4.96 (0.84)a | 4.77 (0.98)b |
| |||||
Mediator | |||||
Openness to criticizing one’s culture | |||||
Study 2 | 1–7 | .74 | 5.l5 (l.l8) | 5.ll (l.22)a | 5.21 (1.13)a |
Study 3 | 1–7 | .78 | 5.41 (1.41) | 5.45 (1.33)a | 5.35 (1.49)a |
| |||||
Sexism outcomes | |||||
Neosexism: Study 1 | 1–7 | .79 | 2.85 (0.83) | 2.70 (0.78)a | 3.11 (0.86)b |
Negative attitudes toward women: Study 1 | 1–7 | .82 | 2.70 (0.79) | 2.54 (0.75)a | 2.97 (0.79)b |
Attitudes toward feminism and women’s rights | |||||
Study 1 | 1–13 | .84 | 10.06 (1.88) | 10.46 (1.72)a | 9.41 (1.96)b |
Study 3 | 1–13 | .91 | 9.71 (2.81) | 10.64 (1.45)a | 8.68 (2.84)b |
Modern sexism: | |||||
Study 2 (8-item) | 1–5 | .60 | 2.67 (0.49) | 2.61 (0.48)a | 2.76 (0.49)b |
Study 4 (5-item) | 1–6 | 3.15 (0.94) | 2.99 (0.93)a | 3.36 (0.92)b | |
O1d-fashioned sexism: Study 2 | 1–5 | .65 | 1.89 (0.67) | 1.72 (0.63)a | 2.14 (0.66)b |
Hosti1e sexism: Study 3 | 0–5 | .84 | 2.23 (1.04) | 2.08 (0.96)a | 2.40 (1.11)a |
Benevo1ent sexism: Study 3 | 0–5 | .81 | 2.39 (1.01) | 2.35 (1.09)a | 2.44 (0.91)a |
Note: SD = standard deviation. Subscripts indicate significant gender differences on measures. Means for women and men that share a subscript 1etter were not significant1y different; means for women and men that have different subscript 1etters were significant1y different.