Table 1.
Criteria for iCCM CHNRI exercise
Criterion | Sub–questions |
Answerability |
1. Would you say that the research question is well–framed?
2. Can a single study or a very small number of studies be designed to answer the research question?
3. Do you think that a study needed to answer the proposed research question would obtain ethical approval without major concerns? |
Research Feasibility* |
1. Is it likely that, in the context of interest, there will be sufficient capacity to carry out this research?
2. Is it feasible to provide the training required for staff to carry out the research in the context of interest?
3. Is the cost and time required for this research reasonable within the context of interest? |
Deliverability |
1. Taking into the account the level of difficulty with delivery of the potential intervention or delivery strategy (for example, need for change of attitudes and beliefs, supervision, transport infrastructure), would you say that this intervention or delivery strategy will be deliverable within the context of interest?
2. Taking into account the resources available to implement the intervention, would you say that the intervention or delivery strategy would be affordable within the context of interest?
3. Would government capacity and partnership be essential to ensure the intervention or delivery strategy would be sustainable?† |
Importance/ Potential Impact | 1. Will the results of this research fill an important knowledge gap? 2. Are the results from this research likely to shape future planning and implementation? 3. Will the results from this research be relevant to most countries in the context of interest? |
iCCM – integrated community case management, CHNR – Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative
*For this criterion, the “context of interest” refers to countries that do, or would benefit from, implementation of iCCM.
†We eliminated this question from the calculation of the scores for Criterion 3, as described in the text.