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. 2014 Dec 16;5:714. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00714

Table 1.

Burn severity field classification after Keeley (2009), severity scores, and modifications for All Saints Bog.

Fire severity Description Burn severity score Burn severity classification modifications for All Saints raised bog Figure references
Unburned Plant parts green and unaltered, no direct effect from heat 1 Plant parts green and unaltered, no direct effect from heat Not illustrated
Scorched Unburned but plants exhibit leaf loss from radiated heat 2 Vegetation on hummocks intact and grasses unaffected, but consumption of fine fuels in the shrub layer Not illustrated
Light Surface litter, mosses and herbs charred or consumed. Soil organic layer largely intact and charring limited to a few mm depth 3 Hummocks composed of sedge, Sphagnum and lichens killed by radiated heat, but uncharred. Fine fuel from shrub layer consumed (foliage and twigs) some larger stems scorched/partially charred. Site 6. Figure 2Bi
Moderate or severe surface burn All understory plants charred or consumed. Fine dead twigs on soil surface consumed. Pre-fire soil organic layer largely consumed 4 Understory shrubs (primarily Calluna) consumed. Charred bryophyte ground layer and surface peat Site 10. Figure 2Bii
Deep burning or crown fire Surface litter of all sizes and soil organic layer largely consumed. White ash deposition and charred organic matter to several cm depth 5 Exposed tree roots and charred peat surfaces. Charred and/or consumed shrub layer and bryophyte ground layer. Site 11. Figure 2Biii