Tab. 1.
Categories used to classify the spatiotemporal characteristics of food resources in this review. Numbers for each category correspond to the axes of the graphs in Figure 4. Classifications for each data point and associated citations and justifications are listed in Table S2.
Size of resource unit relative to colony size | |
1 | The resource occurs as a small unit that one ant can retrieve without help. |
2 | The resource is medium-sized, and several ants are necessary to either subdue, process, protect, or transport it. |
3 | The resource is large, and a significant portion of the forager workforce is needed to subdue, process, protect, or transport it. |
Spatial distribution of the resource (patchy or dispersed) relative to colony foraging range | |
1 | After the resource is depleted, it could next occur anywhere within the foraging range with equal likelihood (dispersed, or random distribution). |
2 | After the resource is depleted, it will most likely be found next in the same general area, and does not occur throughout the foraging range with equal likelihood (patchy). |
3 | After the resource is depleted, it will most likely reoccur in the exact same location (very predictable patch). |
Frequency of resource occurrence in time relative to worker lifespan | |
1 | The resource is quickly and continuously replenished or extremely common, and can definitely be encountered during a worker’s next foraging bout. |
2 | The resource is moderately common, and a new, similar item is likely to be found again in future foraging bouts within the current foraging range, within the lifespan of a forager. However, the next foraging bout may or may not be successful. |
3 | The resource is uncommon, and a new, similar item is unlikely to be found again within the current foraging range, within the lifespan of a forager. |
Depletability – whether the colony can cause a change in the frequency of resource occurrence | |
1 | Foraging by the colony will not cause a decrease in the frequency at which the resource will be encountered in future foraging bouts. |
2 | Concerted foraging effort by the colony can temporarily cause a decrease in the frequency at which the resource occurs. |
3 | Concerted foraging effort by the colony can cause the resource to be depleted in the entire foraging range for a while. |