Fig. 2.
frg1/2 double mutants show reduced DNA methylation at RdDM sites. (A and B) Overlap between frg1/2 and drm1/2 (A) or cmt2 (B) CHH hypo-DMRs. Box plots show CHH methylation levels in the respective DMR fractions. For all box plots shown here and subsequently: horizontal line, median; edges of boxes, 25th (Bottom) and 75th (Top) percentiles; error bars, minimum and maximum points within 1.5× interquartile range; red dots, outliers. (C) mRNA abundance in reads per kilobase per million reads at frg1/2 CHH hypo DMRs (Left), drm1/2 CHH hypo DMRs (Center), and all genes (Right) in wild-type and frg1 frg2 double-mutants. Three biological replicates per genotype are shown.