Fig. 1.
Age-related alterations of the posterior (A) and anterior (B) DMN and the HC RSN (C) for three different ICA-driven measures (voxelwise connectivity, global connectivity, and amplitude) after post-ICA motion correction. For each network, scatter plots display global functional connectivity (based on the whole network) and amplitude as a function of chronological age (n = 339). The slice panels indicate brain regions (in yellow) exhibiting age-related decline (for DMNs) and age-related increase (green contour, for HC component; k = 375 voxels within the entire MTL; hippocampus proper: LHC: k = 47; RHC: k = 25) in voxelwise functional connectivity overlaid on the sample-specific template created using DARTEL. Hippocampus proper as segmented by Freesurfer ( is shown in white contour. Note that regions in yellow and green are subregions of the whole network shown in red, and global functional connectivity was measured across the whole RSN network (in red). The unit for the global functional connectivity is percent signal changes (intensity normalization followed by no scaling; SI Text).