Figure 2.
Effect of ratchet helix mutations on Mtr4 activity. (A) Poly(A) RNA unwinding rate (kunw) constants determined for Mtr4WT and Mtr4 mutants, plotted as a function of Mtr4 concentration. Best fit curves to the data were calculated as described in ‘Materials and Methods’. Data presented here represent averages from three independent experiments; error bars represent SD. (B) Enhancement of ATPase activity in the presence of poly(A) RNA for Mtr4WT and ratchet helix mutants. Data presented here represent averages from two independent experiments; error bars represent SD. (C) RNA unwinding gels of a poly(A) tail for Mtr4WT, Mtr4R1030A-archless and Mtr4E1033A-archless reveal no unwinding activity for the Mtr4R1030A-archless and Mtr4E1033A-archless double mutants.