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. 2014 Dec 5;14:649. doi: 10.1186/s12879-014-0649-2

Table 4.

Significantly associated laboratory variables at 24 h prior to ICU requirement compared to first presentation of dengue-infected ICU (cases) patients

Variables Den-infected ICU at presentation (n = 23)^ (IQR) Den-infected ICU at 24 H prior ICU (n = 23)^ (IQR) COR P-value 95% CI
Systolic blood pressure 110 (91.5–118.5) 90 (80–101.5) 0.96 0.03 0.92–0.996
Pulse rate 95.5 (88.5–102) 101 (90.5–117.5) 1.07 0.044 1.002–1.14
White cell count 3.3 (2.4–4.2) 4.9 (3–7.4) 1.59 0.033 1.04–2.44
Proportion lymphocytes 16.5 (9.8–19.9) 23.5 (18.1–28.6) 1.19 0.020 1.03–1.38
Proportion monocytes 7.9 (5.1–9.9) 12.1 (9.1–17.9) 1.35 0.033 1.02–1.78
Serum hematocrit 44.9 (42.8–47.2) 40.2 (33.6–43.6) 0.81 0.037 0.66–0.99

COR- Conditional Odds Ratio; IQR- Interquartile range.

^- Four cases were excluded as they were admitted into ICU less than 24 hours after first presentation at hospital. Data in bold are risk factors involved in the most optimal predictive model of ICU requirement at 24h prior to ICU requirement.