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. 2014 Oct 30;4(22):4399–4428. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1305

Table 5.

Major assumptions of and questions relating to model-based clustering and their implications in population genetic studies using microsatellites

Method Assumption or question References Related issues References
In general Individual runs are stochastic and may settle on local optima Gilbert et al. (2012) Ensure that a sufficient number of steps and runs have been performed Gilbert et al. (2012)
BAPS and STRUCTURE Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium within populations Pritchard et al. (2000), Corander et al. (2004) No inbreeding; if suspected, use InStruct Gao et al. (2007)
Individuals are not related by direct descent; related individuals should be removed prior to analysis Anderson and Dunham (2008), Rodríguez-Ramilo and Wang (2012)
BAPS Gametic linkage equilibrium within populations. Tight (BAPS) or loose (STRUCTURE) linkage allowed for one model only Falush et al. (2003), Corander and Tang (2007) Use of linkage model requires data be haploid, or phased data from a diploid or tetraploid Corander and Tang (2007)
STRUCTURE Sufficient number of markers should be unlinked. Phasing optional for diploids, required for polyploids Falush et al. (2003), Kaeuffer et al. (2007)
BAPS and STRUCTURE Is the information content of the dataset sufficiently high? Population structure: Incomplete lineage sorting may confound inference when using as many 50 microsatellite loci Orozco-terWengel et al. (2011)
Admixture: If few microsatellite loci are used, the sample should include a significant number of pure individuals Pritchard et al. (2000), Vaughan et al. (2009)
STRUCTURE and NewHybrids Hybrid identification: reliable only for many loci (>24–50), especially when differentiation is low Vähä and Primmer (2006), Fitzpatrick (2012)
STRUCTURE Recessive allele model: null allelesare due to polymorphism Falush et al. (2007) Not appropriate for data that are missing due to experimental error Falush et al. (2007)
STRUCTURE Prior population1 and correlated allele frequency models allow detection of weak structure Falush et al. (2003), Hubisz et al. (2009) Using standardized values, performance of STRUCTURE and BAPS declines at standardized FST values of 0.28. 97% accuracy was attained only at FST = 0.39 Latch et al. (2006)
BAPS Two models that incorporate population information a priori are available Corander et al. (2006, 2003)

BAPS, Bayesian analysis of population structure.


The two prior population models, LOCPRIOR and USEPOPINFO, should be used for weak and strong structure, respectively.