Figure 4.
Ziram-induced increase of intracellular Ca2+ in BHK-NCX3 cells. (A) Effects of ziram on [Ca2+i] when BHK-WT and BHK-NCX3 cells were perfused in normal Krebs (NCX3 forward mode of exchange). Superimposed traces of the effects of ziram on [Ca2+i] when BHK cells were incubated in normal Krebs or in the presence of 10 μM KBR-7943 (KBR) (B) Effect of Na+-free solution on NCX3 reverse activity in BHK-WT and in BHK-NCX3 cells. Superimposed traces of the effect of Na+-free on [Ca2+i] when BHK cells were perfused in Na+-free solution alone, or pre-incubated with 10μM ziram, 10 μM KB-R7943 (KBR) or 10 μM KB-R7943 + 10 μM ziram (KBR+ziram).