Extended Data Figure 7. Combined deletion of RIP3 and Caspase-8 does not provide protection against Pstpip2cmo-mediated osteomyelitis.
a, Incidence of osteomyelitic bone disease in WT, Pstpip2cmo, Pstpip2cmoxIl1β−/− and Pstpip2cmoxRip3−/− mice. b, Representative isosurface micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) images of hind paw samples from 12-18 week old Pstpip2cmo, Pstpip2cmoxRip3−/− and Pstpip2cmoxRip3−/−xCasp8−/− mice. c, Representative 4x and 10x H&E sections of inflammatory caudal vertebrae bone lesions in diseased Pstpip2cmo, Pstpip2cmoxRip3−/− and Pstpip2cmoxRip3−/−xCasp8−/− mice. d, qRT-PCR analysis of proIl1β expression in footpads of WT (n=7), Pstpip2cmo (n=7) and Pstpip2cmoxRip3−/−xCasp8−/−xCasp1−/− (n=7) mice aged 12-16 weeks. Data are expressed as mean ± s.e.m. of combined data from two independent experiments. (**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; Student’s t-test)