Fig. 4. Comparisons between distributions of HGAs and BOLD responses on a template brain.
(A) All ECoG electrodes displayed on a template brain. The electrodes (green dots) on the template brain widely covered the lateral aspect of the left frontal and temporal lobes. (B) ECoG electrodes with significant HGA. Different colors of the electrodes indicate individual patients. The electrodes were mainly clustered on the inferior frontal, superior and middle temporal gyri, and precentral gyrus (premotor cortex and face-motor area). (C) A three-dimensional t-map of BOLD response across individual displayed on a template brain. The BOLD responses were widely observed in the frontal lobe, which involves the inferior frontal and precentral gyri. There were additional activated areas in the inferior temporal gyrus, which was sparsely covered by ECoG electrodes. Time-frequency analysis was applied to compare their spatiotemporal profiles.