Figure 4. MALAT1 enhanced tumor invasion and metastasis in vivo.
Small cubes of SW480 tumors grew from cells with stable overexpression of MALAT1 (RNAa-MALAT1), stable knockdown of MALAT1 (RNAi-MALAT1), or left untreated (Ctrl) were implanted into the caecum terminus of nude mice as described in the Methods. P denotes primary tumor. T and arrows indicate the metastatic nodules. (A) Tissue images of metastasis. RNAa-activated MALAT1 expression promoted while MALAT1 knockdown by RNAi inhibited CRC metastasis to lung and liver. (B) Histological images of metastatic nodules in organs. Xenograft tumors with MALAT1 overexpression significantly promoted the invasion of implanted tumor in colon and metastasis in liver and lung. (C) Incidence of metastasis in mice implanted with SW480 cells containing scramble RNA (Ctrl), RNAa-MALAT1, or RNAi-MALAT1 as indicated.