Caesarean-scarred uterus
Death in utero |
Chorioamnionitis |
Failed forceps/vacuum |
Caesarean section on maternal request |
Failed VBAC |
Premature detachment of placenta |
Cephalopelvic disproportion |
Eclampsia |
Failed induction |
Not eligible for VBAC |
Fetal distress |
Multiple fibroids |
Pre-eclampsia |
Refusal to release |
Refusal elective VBAC |
Multiple pregnancy |
Ovarian cyst or fibroid previa |
Genital herpes |
Failure version |
Denial of VBAC during operation |
Post mature |
Abnormal placentation (previa, marginal) |
Indication for maternal illness |
Other History
Prematurity (<37 weeks) |
Prolapse/laterocidence cord uterine rupture |
History of severe perineal tear |
Breech presentation |
Other acute maternal infections |
History of perineal fistula |
Transverse |
Arrest of dilatation |
History of myomectomy |
Intrauterine growth retardation |
Failure of progression |
History of fetal trauma |
Congenital malformation |
Premature rupture of membranes |