Figure 2.
Isotype characterization of alloantibodies from Pregsure© BVD vaccinated dams. Flow cytrometry was used to measure the isotype of alloantibodies binding to MDBK cells in serum (Ser) or colostrum (Col) from i) dams not vaccinated with Pregsure© BVD (BNP-VAcc-) ii) Pregsure© BVD vaccinated non-BNP dams (BNP-Vacc+) and iii) Pregsure© BVD vaccinated BNP dams (BNP + Vacc+). All results were compared by two tailed simple T-tests for unequal variance. Within each isotype, all groups are compared to the non Pregsure© BVD vaccinated dams (Ser BNP-Vacc-). To adjust for multiple comparison, the False Discovery Rate (FDR) was controlled at 5% using the principle from Benjamini and Hochberg [19]. The largest P-value lower than its FDR-derived significance threshold and all P-values smaller are significant and are depicted by an asterisk (*). GMFI = Geometric Mean Fluorescent Intensity.