Figure 2.
Compactness of Bet v 1.0101. Top: PFG-NMR translational diffusion data. Relative translational diffusion coefficients (Dt/Dt,apo) of Bet v 1.0101 (0.2 mM) without ligand (three repeat experiments), and with ligand bound (0.6 mM SDS or STS, 0.4 mM ANS) are shown. Mean values (bars) and SDs (error bars) for 20 backbone amide NH resonances are reported. Control experiments were performed with the CBP KIX domain. Bottom: distribution of the radius of gyration of apo Bet v 1.0101 (red) and DXC-bound Bet v 1.0101 (green) found in MD simulations. To see this figure in color, go online.