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. 2014 Nov 26;14(4):309–314. doi: 10.1007/s40268-014-0067-3

Table 1.

Stability and recovery of fidaxomicin dispersed in water, applesauce, or Ensure®

Time (h)
0 2 6 12 24
A. Water
 Method 1
  % Recovery, mean (SD) (n = 3) 95.3 (2.32) nt 104.4 (3.07) nt 100.6 (2.23)
  % Impurity Aa <LOQ nt 0.19 nt 0.65
 Method 2
  % Recovery, mean (SD) (n = 6) 103.8 (1.28) 102.9 (1.57) 102.2 (1.49) 104.1 (1.13) nt
  % Impurity Aa <LOQ 0.11 0.25 0.38 nt
B. Applesauce
 Method 1
  % Recovery, mean (SD) (n = 3) 105.0 (1.37) nt 108.2 (4.29) nt 104.6 (2.22)
  % Impurity Aa <LOQ nt <LOQ nt <LOQ
 Method 2
  % Recovery, mean (SD) (n = 6) 104.8 (1.20) nt 104.5 (1.05) 101.7 (1.96) 104.6 (0.80)
  % Impurity Aa <LOQ nt <LOQ <LOQ <LOQ
C. Ensure®
 Method 1
  % Recovery, mean (SD) (n = 3) 95.5 (3.41) nt 99.1 (5.92) nt 99.0 (3.87)
  % Impurity Aa <LOQ nt <LOQ nt 0.08
 Method 2
  % Recovery, mean (SD) (n = 6) 105.6 (1.03) nt 107.7 (1.35) 105.4 (1.48) 107.8 (1.71)
  % Impurity Aa <LOQ nt 0.06 0.06 0.14

h hour, LOQ limit of quantification (0.05 %), nt not tested, SD standard deviation

aLimit in drug product is not more than 0.2 %