Figure 2. Odors evoke specific and stereotypic calcium responses in the LH subdivided into three distinct odor response domains.
(A) Schematic of the olfactory circuit with the investigated area highlighted. (B) RAW image of the LH (top picture) depicting the recorded area of figures (C–E) and the false color image (bottom picture) during the solvent application. The ΔF/F scale bar applies for all false color-coded pictures; the alpha-bar for the pixel participation xk of the indicated colors applies for (E–F). (C) Representative LH Ca2+ responses (ΔF/F%) of acetoin acetate, balsamic vinegar and benzaldehyde at three concentrations. Numbers in the lower right corner indicate individual maxima. (D) Odor-evoked Ca2+ responses (ΔF/F%) are exemplarily depicted for 1-octen-3ol- at three concentrations in four animals. (E) NNMF-extracted LH odor response domains (ORD) of four representative animals: three LH ORDs were fully reproducible after being extracted from all measured animals. Domains classified as identical are similarly color-coded: the green ORD is located in the posterior-medial region of the LH (LH-PM); blue, in the anterior-medial (LH-AM), and red in the anterior-lateral LH area (LH-AL). The alpha-bar for green, blue and red shades is placed in (B). (F) Left, schematic outlines of the LH with indicated ORDs. Right, median activity traces of all odors at three concentrations are depicted for each colored ORD. Shadows represent lower and upper quartiles (n = 6–7).