Histograms of egg volume (mm
3 (10
−3)) (top), ovariole number (middle), and egg mass production (egg mass, calculated as egg volume × ovariole number) (bottom) in
D. sechellia 14021–0248.25 (red bar) and
D. sechellia 14021–0248.31 (light red bar) fed a morinda diet, compared to 12 Drosophila siblings (
D. ananassae (14024–0371.13),
D. erecta (14021–0224.01),
D. melanogaster (wild type Berlin and 14021–0231.36),
D. mojavensis (15081–1352.22),
D. persimilis (14011–0111.49),
D. pseudoobscura (14011–0121.94),
D. sechellia (14021–0248.25, white bar),
D. simulans (14021–0251.195),
D. virilis (15010–1051.87),
D. willistoni (14030–0811.24),
D. yakuba (14021–0261.01), (data from
Markow et al., 2009), (grey bar)) fed a standard diet.