(A) Partition quotients (PQ) of Fe, Cu, Mn, B, Mg, Zn, Ca, Mo, P, and K in roots, stems, cotyledons (Cot), unifoliate (Uni), and trifoliate (Tri) leaves of “Fe-efficient” (EF) accession grown under Fe-deficient (DEF) conditions at 60% (open bars) and 90% (closed bars) relative humidity (RH). Y-axis range varies among elements. Dashed horizontal line represents PQ of 100 (the percentage contribution of the organ to the plant dry weight (DW) is the same as the percentage contribution to the plant's total content of the mineral being evaluated). (B) Partition quotients (PQ) of Fe, Cu, Mn, B, Mg, Zn, Ca, Mo, P, and K in roots, stems, cotyledons (Cot), unifoliate (Uni), and trifoliate (Tri) leaves of “Fe-inefficient” (INF) accession grown under Fe-deficient (DEF) conditions at 60% (open bars) and 90% (closed bars) relative humidity (RH). Y-axis range varies among elements. Dashed horizontal line represents PQ of 100 (the percentage contribution of the organ to the plant dry weight (DW) is the same as the percentage contribution to the plant's total content of the mineral being evaluated).