Executive Sponsor |
An agency-level administrator who determines which area of the HIV services continuum will be the primary focus for all facilities in their state or county. Monitors progress at all sites but is not involved in day-to-day management of the implementation and change process. |
Facility Sponsor |
In a position of senior authority at the prison or jail facility responsible for the overall change process. Authorizes the staff time and resources at the prison or jail facility needed to complete the project and participates with the Change Team Leader in selecting the change team members. Closely follows the progress of the LCT; occasionally participates in team meetings; and meets frequently with Change Team Leader. Selected by the Executive Sponsor. |
Change Team Leader |
Interacts with the Facility Sponsor, keeping the Facility Sponsor informed of the change team progress, requests the resources needed to accomplish the change team goal, works with the LCT Coach, tracking the progress of the change team against the study timelines, calls meetings of the change team, and assigns tasks and roles within the team. Selected by the Facility Sponsor. |
Change Team Coach |
An external consultant trained in NIATx process improvement strategies. The Coach works with Change Team Leader and agency representatives to help LCT identify roadblocks and other issues which may impede effective implementation. The Coach spends one day training the change team and conducts regular and in-person coaching sessions with the Change Team Leader and LCT. The Coaches from all study sites participate in a collective monthly call with a mentor who is a senior member of the NIATx core organization. Selected by the Researcher. |
Local Change Team |
Consists of about 5–7 staff members from facility units affected by changes in HIV service delivery or agencies related to or affected by any changes, including prison medical staff, program staff, counselors, and community-based HIV service coordinators. The Team may also include an outside expert in the field of HIV services. |