Figure 7. Forced Notch signaling in GSCs accelerates age-dependent GSC loss.
(A–C) Three-dimensional reconstructions of images from one-w-old control (A), nos-GAL4-driven NRNAi (B), and nos-GAL4-driven NNICD (C) germaria with E-cadherin (E-cad, red), 1B1 (blue, fusomes), and LamC (blue, cap cell nuclear envelopes) labels. A′-C′ show the E-cadherin channel only. (D) Average (avg.) E-cadherin expression at the GSC-niche junction. The number of GSCs analyzed is shown above each bar. *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01. Error bar, mean ± SEM. (E) Relative percentage of GSCs remaining in the germaria of the indicated genotypes at different ages. Flies carrying GFP or GFPRNAi driven by nos-GAL4 were used as controls. NNICD was used to increase Notch signaling; RNAi lines were used to suppress the expression of Sxl, shg, or N. The GAL4 control (ctrl) was obtained by crossing the GAL4 line with the w1118 strain. Line graphs show the maintenance rates of GSCs with age (N, just eclosed; weeks, shown on the x axis). GSC maintenance rates for each genotype were determined by normalizing the average numbers of GSCs at each time point to that in newly eclosed flies. The maintenance rates of both NNICD-overexpressing and SxlRNAi-knock down GSCs were significantly different from those of all the controls (P<0.05), as determined by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test. Bar graphs indicate the distribution of germaria with 0, 1, 2, or 3 or more GSCs at the indicated weeks. The number of germaria analyzed is shown above each bar. (F) One-w-old nos-GAL4-driven UASp-mCD8-GFP germaria with GFP (gray), 1B1 (red, fusomes), and LamC (red, cap cell nuclear envelopes) labels. F′ shows the GFP channel only. Scale bars in A and F are 5 µm. (G) Notch signaling mediates coordination between GSCs and their niche in response to aging. Aging reduces Notch signaling activity in cap cells, which disrupts niche integrity, and thus affects GSC maintenance; on the other hand, aging up-regulates Notch signaling at the GSC-niche junction (at least in part through Sxl), thereby promoting GSC loss via the suppression of E-cadherin expression. Dark green, cap cell; red, GSC.