(A) Setup used for tube pulling. After aspiration, the vesicle containing biotinolyted lipids and the streptavidin coated bead were brought in contact and adhere. Once bound, a tube was pulled by moving the pipette holding the bead, a confocal xy-scan illustrates such a membrane tube pulled from a GUV. (B) Fluorescence intensity profiles of the membrane tube (top) and the corresponding GUV membrane (bottom) of the boxed regions in (A). (C) At high Atg8-PE densities, pulled tubes appeared blurry and exhibit pronounced fluctuations. Two consecutive xy-scans of the same tube illustrate movements of the tube; see also S1 Video. (D) Increasing the membrane tension of the GUV at time t = 1 min (blue line, right axis) decreases the radius of the membrane tube from 70 nm to 16 nm and accordingly changes the intensities of the membrane tube and Atg8-PE (data points, left axis). This change is reversible as shown with decreasing the tension at time t = 7 min. For experimental details see methods. Data points correspond to consecutive scans of one individual tube. (E) The normalized Atg8-PE densities in the tube Dtube/DGUV increase with tension. Three different Atg8 concentrations are shown, n = 7 GUVs for 0.56 and 0.63 µM Atg8, n = 3 GUVs for 0.75 µM Atg8, mean ± sem. The scale bars in (A) and (C) are 5 µm.