Urine samples were collected during implantation of blood pressure telemetry devices at 16 weeks of age and at the conclusion of the study. In untreated SHR-A3, albuminuria had become severe at 25 weeks of age. However, in SHR-A3, MMF treatment dramatically reduced albuminuria (broken black line) (p<0.001). In injury-resistant SHR-B2, the age-related increase in albuminuria is much less and is unaffected by MMF treatment (gray lines). Group sizes: SHR-A3 Control 16 and 25 weeks old, n = 10 and 8 respectively, SHR-B2 Control 16 and 25 weeks old, n = 8, SHR-A3 MMF treated 16 and 25 weeks old, n = 9, SHR-B2 MMF treated 16 and 25 weeks old, n = 9 and 8 respectively.