TABLE 2. Effect of In Utero TCDD Exposure on Abundance and Localization of RNA from Wnt Signaling Modulators in Mouse UGS at E16.5a.
aAt least three litter-independent UGSs per treatment group were used to determine RNA abundance and localization for each gene. Corn oil (vehicle) or TCDD (5 μg/kg, po) was administered to pregnant dams on E15.5. A horizontal arrow denotes that RNA was detected in the indicated tissue compartment and that there was no detectable difference in RNA abundance or localization between vehicle- and TCDD-exposed UGSs at E16.5. Downward-pointing arrows indicate that TCDD decreased transcript abundance compared with vehicle-exposed control UGSs. No arrow indicates that transcript was not detected.
bBasal epithelium = epithelial cells bordering mesenchyme.
cIntermediate epithelium = epithelial cells that do not border mesenchyme or lumen.
dVentral lamina propria = mesenchyme immediately adjacent to the epithelium in the ventral UGS.
eBecause the reported functions of Wnt signaling modulators can vary from system to system, genes were sorted by the subcellular localization of their proteins rather than sorted by function.