Figure 4.
OFC activity related to rewards delivered as instructional cues or feedback. A) Trial sequence. Trials started with the presentation of an instructional cue, either a single drop of fluid or two smaller drops. These cues signaled to the monkey whether to stay with the response from the previous trial (left or right) or switch to the alternative option. Once the monkey made a saccade to one of the two potential targets, both targets became solid white, whether correctly or incorrectly performed. Successful performance led to the delivery of additional fluid reward as feedback (reinforcement). Red type indicates sequence on example trial. B) Brain regions studied: OFC (orange on ventral view of macaque frontal lobe); frontal polar cortex (FPC, red on dorsal view of macaque frontal lobe); dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC, green on lateral view of macaque frontal lobe). C) Percentage of neurons in OFC, FPC and DLPFC encoding the reward when delivered as an instructional cue (cue only), as feedback (feedback only) or both. Color scheme as in (B). Dashed line indicates noise/chance level for cue and feedback responses. Adapted from Tsujimoto et al. (2012).