Fig. 6.
Mean and variance in APD90 from tissue simulations incorporating extrinsic variability. (A) The mean of the APD90 is calculated over all nodes in the central 0.5 cm of the tissue at each beat and plotted for both the deterministic simulations (left) and stochastic simulations (right) for each beat. (B) The variance in the APD90 for both the stochastic simulations (solid lines) and deterministic simulations (dashed lines) for each beat. (C) The maximum difference in APD between the stochastic and deterministic simulations at each beat, for each simulation. Values of D are 1.171 cm2 s−1 (red), D=0.586 cm2 s−1 (green), D= 0.117 cm2 s−1 (blue), and D= 0.059 cm2 s−1 (black). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this paper.)