Table A2.
Correlation Table of Estimates Revealing Covariance Patterns Exist
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | ||
1. | Edges | 1.000 | −.627 | −.289 | −.507 | −.581 | −.359 | −.270 | −.564 | −.060 | .112 |
Network Mechanisms | |||||||||||
2. | Mutuality | −.627 | 1.000 | .340 | .364 | .582 | .160 | .044 | .146 | .046 | −.149 |
3. | GWESP | −.289 | .340 | 1.000 | .459 | .501 | .217 | −.263 | −.057 | .273 | −.093 |
4. | Hierarchy | −.507 | .364 | .459 | 1.000 | .367 | .198 | .317 | .306 | .208 | .111 |
5. | Club Ties | −.581 | .582 | .501 | .367 | 1.000 | .202 | −.108 | .026 | .088 | −.112 |
Homophily | |||||||||||
6. | Race Homophily | −.359 | .160 | .217 | .198 | .202 | 1.000 | .123 | −.224 | .074 | −.287 |
7. | Gender Homophily | −.270 | .044 | −.263 | .317 | −.108 | .123 | 1.000 | .229 | −.115 | .141 |
8. | Age Homophily | −.564 | .146 | −.057 | .306 | .026 | −.224 | .229 | 1.000 | −.062 | .124 |
9. | GPA Difference | −.060 | .046 | .273 | .208 | .088 | .074 | −.115 | −.062 | 1.000 | .158 |
10. | SES Difference | .112 | −.149 | −.093 | .111 | −.112 | −.287 | .141 | .124 | .158 | 1.000 |
Findings: Network variables are correlated, indicating the need for more complex covariance structures.