Fig. 3.
SFOAE delays compared. (A) SFOAE phase-gradient delays computed from SFOAE phase data [e.g., Fig. 1(B)]. Gray circles show delay data pooled from 11 adults measured at 40 dB SPL probe tones; triangles show delays measured in 15 newborns and pooled across probe levels (15–40 dB SPL). Brackets show frequency bands over which delays were averaged to present the consolidated plot in (B). The numbers above the bracket indicate the number of newborn and adult subjects contributing to each band. (B) SFOAE delays across age groups and stimulus levels. Large open triangles (newborn) and closed circles (adult) show mean delays (±SEM) from the newborn and adult ears tested in the present study. Data were averaged over the bandwidths shown by brackets in (A). Small open and closed circles show average delays (±SEMs) measured at both 20 and 40 dB SPL from four adult subjects (Kalluri and Shera, 2007a), illustrating the level dependence of delays in the same group of individuals. Dashed and solid lines show the delay trends at 20 and 40 dB SPL reported in two published studies for larger groups of adult subjects (trend lines extracted from Bergevin et al., 2012). Newborn delays (large open triangles) are most similar to adult delays at 20 dB SPL.