Table 1.
Strain | Sperm status | Oocyte status | Volatile pheromone | Implications |
glp-1 | Very few, normal | None | Yes | Pheromone is produced by the soma and suppressed by the germ line. |
fem-2 | None | Normal | Yes | Sperm depletion eliminates suppression without aging. |
fog-2 | None | Normal | Yes | Same as fem-2. |
Aged N2 | None | Normal | Yes | Aging of WT worms eliminates suppression. |
oma-1,2 | Normal | Cannot be ovulated | Yes | Sperm presence is insufficient. |
spe-8 | Immobile | Normal, ovulated | Yes | Oocyte activation/ovulation is insufficient. |
spe-42 | Cannot fuse | Normal, ovulated | No | Sperm–oocyte fusion is unnecessary. |
egg-3 | Normal | Oocyte cannot react to sperm | Yes | EGG-3 is necessary. |
egg-4,5 | Normal | Oocyte cannot react to sperm | No | Known EGG-3–binding partners are unnecessary. |
mbk-2 | Normal | No eggshell, meiosis incomplete | No | Known downstream effectors of EGG-3 are unnecessary. |
chs-1 | Normal | No eggshell | No | Eggshell deposition is unnecessary. |
mei-1 | Normal | Meiosis incomplete | No | Completion of meiosis is unnecessary. |
pos-1 | Normal | Resulting embryo dies | No | Embryonic viability is unnecessary. |
Young N2 | Normal | Normal | No | Young WT worms suppress pheromone output. |
The terms “insufficient”, “necessary,” and “unnecessary” are always in reference to the suppression of pheromone production. Overall, we conclude that the pheromone is produced in the soma and suppressed by a signal originating in the germ line. EGG-3 and sperm–oocyte contact are necessary for suppression. Eggshell deposition, complete meiosis, known EGG-3 effectors, known EGG-3–binding partners, and embryonic viability are unnecessary for suppression. Sperm presence, oocyte activation, ovulation, and egg/oocyte-laying are insufficient for suppression.