Figure 6. UNC-31/CAPS is not required for establishing a high fraction of quiescence during lethargus but is required for micro-homeostasis.
(A) Left: the fraction of quiescence of wild-type animals and unc-31, egl-3, and egl-21 mutants during L4leth (shaded area). Quiescence was strongly reduced by the loss of function of EGL-3 or EGL-21, but not UNC-31. Right: the mean durations of bouts of quiescence of the same wild-type and mutant animals during the 15-min period of L4leth. Plots and bars depict mean ± s.e.m, the numbers of animals assayed are denoted in parentheses. (B) Pairwise bout correlations and plots of binned bouts in undisturbed animals (see Figure 2A for details). Pairwise correlations were abolished in unc-31, egl-3, and egl-21 mutants. All correlations are given with 95% confidence intervals (p < 0.05) and error bars depict ±s.e.m. The number of bouts in each case is denoted in parentheses. (C) A posture-based analysis of behavior of L4leth unc-31 mutants: the fraction of forward locomotion, backward locomotion, dwelling, and quiescence before, during, and after a weak (15 s, 20 mW/cm2, blue light) stimulus. See also Figure 6—figure supplements 1,2. (D) A posture-based analysis of bout dynamics of unc-31 mutants following a weak stimulus. The duration of the motion induced by the weak stimulus was shorter than that of wild-type animals, and the compensatory enhancement of quiescence was weaker. N = 11 and 12 animals (e169 and e928), plots depict mean ± s.e.m, smoothed using a 30 s running window.