10 |
Maximum |
Employment or consultancies; Paid authorship; Study intended for use in litigation |
9 |
Extreme |
Study or presentation (design, analysis, interpretation, or writing) reviewed, approved, or modified by sponsor; Expert testimony |
8 |
High |
Stock share ownership or options, bonds |
7 |
Substantial |
Funding, grants, patents, royalties, copyrights, trademarks; Sponsor income for service on advisory boards, board of directors, review panels; Large gifts/products, e.g. vacations or (any) research-related |
6 |
Significant |
Honoraria; Payment for attendance at lectures/meetings or enrolling patients in trials; Non-sponsor income for services and service on advisory committees, review panels |
5 |
Considerable |
Lodging, travel, transportation; Meeting registration fees; Off-site meals; Medium-large gifts/products, e.g. sporting event tickets; Campaign or charitable contributions and donations |
4 |
Moderate |
Medium gifts/products, e.g. bottle of wine; Moderate entertainment activities |
3 |
Minimal |
On-site meals; Use of samples (personal/family or by staff) |
2 |
Low |
Small-medium gifts/products, e.g. books |
1 |
Insignificant |
Small gifts/products, e.g. pens, notepads, calendars, candy |
0 |
Nonexistent |
Nothing to declare |