Table 4.
MASC-C Factor Correlations in Metric Invariance Model ASD and TD Samples
1. Social Anxiety | 2. Separation/Panic | 3. Harm Avoidance | 4. Physical Symptoms | |
1. Social Anxiety | 1 | .20** | .29*** | .56*** |
2. Separation/Panic | .73*** | 1 | .55*** | .31*** |
3. Harm Avoidance | .37* | .73*** | 1 | .27** |
4. Physical Symptoms | .61*** | .77*** | .59*** | 1 |
ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder. TD = Typically-Developing. Values above diagonal are in the TD sample, values below the diagonal for in the ASD sample.
p < .05,
p < .01,
p < .001.