Oral OVA induces activation of DO11.10 cells in PP and MLN of chimeric mice. (A and B) Gating of KJ1-26+ CD4 cells in chimeric mice. (C to J) Expression of CD69 (C to F) and CD62L (G to J) on gated KJ1-26+ CD4 cells in PP (C and G), MLN (D and H), spleens (E and I), and PLN (F and J) of mice fed PBS (dotted lines) or 10 mg of OVA (solid lines). A 24-h profile for CD69 and a 4-day profile for CD62L are shown. (K to P) Downregulation of CD62L in PLN after s.c. immunization. Two-color analysis for KJ1-26 and CD62L on gated CD4 cells in PLN of unfed (K, M, and O) and fed (L, N, and P) mice 4 days after oral OVA (K and L) and 4 days (M and N) or 7 days (O and P) after s.c. immunization in an oral tolerance experiment is shown. Data are representative of those from three experiments with two mice per group per time point.