Histological sections from tissues of male mice infected with C. trachomatis MoPn. (A, C, and E) Sections of the urethra (A), bladder (C), and epididymides (E), stained with hematoxylin and eosin, from mice inoculated with 106 IFU of C. trachomatis MoPn and that were euthanized at 2 weeks p.i. (B and D) Immunochemical staining with C. trachomatis MoPn polyclonal antibody of the urethra (B) and bladder (D) from the same group of mice as shown in panels A, C, and E. (F) Urethra, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, from a mouse inoculated with 106 IFU and euthanized at 5 weeks p.i. Inflammatory cells are marked with arrowheads, and chlamydial inclusions are indicated with arrows.