Figure 4.
Memory retention of the homozygous introgression line ‘SIL_LTM1A_gV'. A homozygous segmental introgression line was generated (a) that includes the memory retention QTL on chromosome 1, scaffold 1. The five markers used for genotyping this region are shown (vertical dashed lines). Recombination had occurred between 172–897 and 2956–4581 kb (within the light grey areas and dashed line below figure), which implicates that the introgressed region can have a size of up to 4409 kb. A homozygous N. giraulti introgressed region of at least 2059 kb (shown in dark grey and solid line below figure) was confirmed. The second line below the figure indicates the location of the QTL that was observed in the genotyping microarray experiment. (b) SIL_LTM1A_gV was compared with N. vitripennis and N. giraulti at 24, 72 and 120 h after conditioning. Level of significance: **0.001<P<0.01.