Figure 7.
Weights of the hidden to output units. (A) Strength of the connection between neurons in the hidden layer and those in the output layer sorted according to the preferred speed of the hidden units (x-axis) and the output units (y-axis) in the preferred motion direction. This panel shows, for instance, that the output units that preferred high speeds had excitatory connections to hidden units with high preferred speeds, and inhibitory connections to units with low preferred speeds. (B) Strength of the connection between neurons in the hidden layer and those in the output layer sorted according to the preferred speed of the hidden units in the anti-preferred motion direction (x-axis) and the preferred speed of the output units in the preferred motion direction (y-axis). This panel shows that many output units have relatively strong connections to neurons that prefer fast speeds in the anti-preferred direction and are inhibited by neurons that prefer low and intermediate speeds in the anti-preferred direction.