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. 2014 Dec 6;11:149. doi: 10.1186/s12966-014-0149-1

Table 1.

Assessment of potential mediators

Concept Items Answer categories α
Individual cognitions
Attitude towards consuming 200 grams of vegetables a daya I think eating 200 grams of vegetables per day is … Very unhealthy (1) – very healthy (5) 0.75
Very unimportant (1) – very important (5)
Very disgusting (1) – very delicious (5)
Perception of vegetables as being expensivea I think eating 200 grams of vegetables per day is … Very expensive (1) – very cheap (5) N.A.
Self-efficacya Do you think you can eat 200 grams of vegetables per day in the next 6 months if you really want to? Definitely not (1) – definitely (5) 0.73
How difficult or easy do you think it is to eat 200 grams of vegetables each day in the next 6 months? Very difficult (1) – very easy (5)
Subjective norma Most people who are important to me… Definitely not (1) – definitely (5) 0.77
… Think I should eat 200 grams of vegetables each day
… Eat 200 grams of vegetables each day
Intentiona Do you intend to eat 200 grams of vegetables a day? Definitely not (1) – definitely (5) N.A.
Self-regulation concepts
General self-regulationa When I have a goal, I can usually plan how to reach it Definitely not (1) – definitely (5) 0.79
I give up quickly (reversed)
I have trouble to make plans that help me to reach my goals (reversed)
I have a hard time setting goals for myself (reversed)
I set goals for myself and keep track of my progress
If I try to change something, I pay attention on how I am doing
Action planningb I have a clear plan for… Completely disagree (1) – completely agree (4) 0.91
… When I am going to eat more vegetables
… Which kinds of vegetables I am going to eat more
… How much vegetables I am going to eat more
Coping planningb I have a clear plan for… Completely disagree (1) – completely agree (4) 0.92
… What I am going to do when something interferes with my plans to eat more vegetables
… What I am going to do in situations in which it can be more difficult to eat more vegetables
Environmental-level factors
Perception of availability in supermarketa In the store where I usually do my shopping, there is a sufficient amount of vegetables available Completely disagree (1) – completely agree (5) N.A.
Availability of vegetables at homea How often do you have vegetables available at home? Never (1) – always (5) N.A.

α = Cronbach’s alpha.

aMeasured on a 5-point scale (ranging from 1 to 5); bMeasured on a 4-point scale (ranging from 1 to 4).