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. 2014 Oct 30;43(6):1959–1968. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyu203

Table 3.

Acceleration mean and 95% confidence interval by socioeconomic status quintiles in the three Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohorts, for males and for females

Socioeconomic quintiles 1982 cohort (30 y)
1993 cohort (18 y)
2004 cohort (7 y)
N Acc mean (mg) 95% CI Pa N Acc mean (mg) 95% CI Pa N Acc mean (mg) 95% CI Pa
<0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Q1 (poorest) 272 39.4 38.0–40.9 284 47.8 46.1–49.5 134 68.3 65.4–71.1
Q2 264 38.7 37.4–40.1 355 47.4 45.8–49.1 195 67.7 65.0–70.5
Q3 330 39.5 38.3–40.7 356 43.6 42.2–45.0 297 64.6 62.6–66.7
Q4 110 37.3 35.3–39.4 394 41.7 40.4–43.1 287 62.3 61.0–65.6
Q5 (wealthiest) 240 35.3 33.9–37.7 370 39.1 37.8–40.3 405 61.0 59.4–62.7
<0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Q1 (poorest) 363 34.5 33.6–35.5 436 37.7 36.8–38.7 125 59.2 56.5–61.9
Q2 274 34.7 33.6–35.8 354 36.0 35.1–36.9 204 56.8 55.0–58.7
Q3 336 33.3 32.3–34.2 366 34.8 33.9–35.9 297 55.8 54.2–57.4
Q4 127 31.8 30.4–33.1 344 34.4 33.3–35.5 225 52.9 51.2–54.7
Q5 (wealthiest) 217 30.2 29.2–31.3 331 32.1 31.6–33.0 386 52.3 51.2–53.5

aP-values represent the result of Kruskal-Wallis tests for comparing acc means (mg) across socioeconomic quintiles in each cohort.