Table 3.
MT Isoformb | mRNA Expressionc |
MT-1A | 0.00519 |
MT-1E | 57.2 |
MT-1F | 0.534 |
MT-1G | 0.581 |
MT-1H | 0.0384 |
MT-1X | 3.05 |
MT-2A | 1.57 |
MT-3 | 0.000189 |
Messenger RNA expression was measure with real time PCR using MT isoform specific primers and total RNA extracted from RWPE-1 cells treated with 75 μM zinc for four days (see the section “Real Time Analysis of MT isoform mRNA Expression” at page 8).
Other isoforms were measured but not detected, MT-1B, -1I, -1J, -1K, -1L, and MT-4. The expression of the rest three MT isoforms, MT-1C, -1D and -1M, was not assessed since their gene sequences are either not available in databases (e.g. NCBI or Swiss-Prot) or of controversy.
Expressed as the number of mRNA molecules normalized to that of the house-keeping gene, glyceraldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase.