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. 2014 Oct 19;45(6):808–816. doi: 10.1111/age.12229

Table 1.

Summary of significant (P ≤ 0.01) core region (CR) and SNPs distribution in Yorkshire and Landrace.

Population Chr No. CR CR SNPs1 CR length2 (kb) Chr length (Mbp) CR length/Chr length3 Chr SNPs (n) CR SNPs/Chr SNPs4
Yorkshire 1 139 17 3693.918 295.5 0.013 9028 0.015
2 190 24 2169.685 140.1 0.015 9557 0.020
3 130 19 2832.248 123.6 0.023 7506 0.017
4 136 17 2089.096 136.3 0.015 5796 0.023
5 31 7 445.340 100.5 0.004 3736 0.008
6 186 34 2529.724 123.3 0.021 12 910 0.014
7 168 21 3167.319 136.4 0.023 5817 0.029
8 17 2 358.194 120 0.003 3687 0.005
9 184 27 2978.478 132.5 0.022 5202 0.035
10 70 7 941.014 66.7 0.014 3148 0.022
11 44 8 611.479 79.8 0.008 3795 0.012
12 85 11 773.873 57.4 0.013 4028 0.021
13 79 9 3345.927 145.2 0.023 4661 0.017
14 113 19 1084.485 148.5 0.007 7094 0.016
15 48 10 547.061 134.5 0.004 4968 0.010
16 40 6 868.423 77.4 0.011 2796 0.014
17 49 8 1005.974 64.4 0.016 3079 0.016
18 32 3 434.741 54.3 0.008 2006 0.016
X 20 2 220.651 125.9 0.002 3356 0.006
Total 1761 251 30097.630 2262.3 0.013 102 170 0.017
Landrace 1 80 11 1 823 125 295.5 0.006 9028 0.009
2 137 24 2 477 535 140.1 0.018 9557 0.014
3 81 14 911 766 123.6 0.007 7506 0.011
4 65 12 719 409 136.3 0.005 5796 0.011
5 57 12 1 623 945 100.5 0.016 3736 0.015
6 108 18 598 300 123.3 0.005 12910 0.008
7 126 16 1 154 729 136.4 0.008 5817 0.022
8 42 7 1 025 267 120 0.009 3687 0.011
9 232 31 4 361 383 132.5 0.033 5202 0.045
10 70 14 1 188 160 66.7 0.018 3148 0.022
11 94 14 2 351 956 79.8 0.029 3795 0.025
12 105 17 960 269 57.4 0.017 4028 0.026
13 73 12 1 880 105 145.2 0.013 4661 0.016
14 122 24 1 048 849 148.5 0.007 7094 0.017
15 132 21 3 050 612 134.5 0.023 4968 0.027
16 17 5 383 365 77.4 0.005 2796 0.006
17 35 8 720 063 64.4 0.011 3079 0.011
18 8 1 13 433 54.3 0.000 2006 0.004
X 50 8 541 350 125.9 0.004 3356 0.015
Total 1634 269 2 683 3621 2262.3 0.012 102 170 0.016

Number of SNPs forming significant core regions.


Total length covered by significant core regions.


Proportion of total significant core region lengths on chromosome length.


Proportion of total number of SNPs forming significant core regions on number of SNPs used.